Friday, September 23, 2011

Longboarding is not a crime!

Several UW Stout students have been ticketed for riding their longboards on the sidewalks in downtown Menomonie.  Granted there is signage on every corner that states, "No bicycles, skateboards, or inline skates allowed on sidewalk".  However, this is the first time I have heard of tickets being given to offenders in the 12 years that I have had a business on Main Street.  I probably see 10 to 20 bicyclists zoom past my door every day and they never get a ticket.  It just seems like longboarders are being unfairly targeted by the police.  A Facebook page has been started to make people aware of this and hopefully correct this problem.  Join now,

1 comment:

  1. For the record I am not anti-bike, I own a bike shop! I am just saying that I think longboarders are being unfairly targeted. That's all.
